Config = {}
Config.Settings = {
core = "qb-core", -- Your qb-core folder name
target = "qb-target", -- Your qb-target folder name
menu = "qb-menu", -- Your qb-menu folder name
webhook = "",
minigame = "ps-ui", -- "ps-ui" / "qb-skillbar" / "qb-lock"
removeItem = false, -- If true when you dismant all car, screwvdriver and toolbox has been removed from your inventory
Config.Objects = {
["toolbox"] = {model = `imp_prop_tool_cabinet_01b`, freeze = true}, -- Prop spawn with item "machine" to brake rocks
Config.Peds = { -- This is the npc's for garages
[1] = {type = 4, hash= GetHashKey("s_m_m_gaffer_01"), x = -428.59, y = -1728.16, z = 18.78, h = 70.67},
Config.IllegalPed = {
-- Prob -> Probability of ped apper or not, to trade illegal 50 = 50%
[1] = {prob = 50, type = 4, hash= GetHashKey("s_m_m_gaffer_01"), x = -565.72, y = -1720.45, z = 18.05, h = 48.29},
Config.Times = { -- This is the times on progressBars
removeHood = 5000,
removeRightFDoor = 5000,
removeLeftFDoor = 5000,
removeTrunk = 5000,
removeTyre = 5000,
dismantAllCar = 5000,
tradingHood = 5000,
tradingRightDoor = 5000,
tradingLeftDoor = 5000,
tradingTrunk = 5000,
tradingTyre = 5000,
Config.Prices = { -- Prices to normal trading or illegal trading
Normal = {
Type = "cash", -- "cash" or "bank"
hood = { min = 50, max = 120},
doors = { min = 50, max = 120},
trunk = { min = 50, max = 120},
tyre = { min = 50, max = 120},
Illegal = {
Type = "cash", -- "cash" or "bank"
hood = { min = 120, max = 180},
doors = { min = 120, max = 180},
trunk = { min = 120, max = 180},
tyre = { min = 120, max = 180},
Config.Amount = math.random(1,4) -- Amount of each item receive
Config.Quantity = 4 -- Drop amount like 4 = 4 itens of Config.Drops
Config.Drops = { -- This drops is when you chopchop a car and when you search in trash
Config.SettingsWarehouse = {
Chance = 5, -- 5% Chance to get warehouse lockpick on illegal ped
Cooldown = 45, -- 45 = 45 Minutes
PoliceJob = "police", -- Your police job name
Item = "warehouselockpick", -- Item needed to break the door of warehouse
LocWarehouseInside = vector3(1087.83, -3099.53, -39.0), -- Location inside the warehouse
LocWarehouseOutside = vector3(-539.95, -1638.06, 19.89), -- Door to break the warehouse
MaxItemsReceived = 2, -- Max items of list drop warehouse
minQty = 1, -- Min amout of each item
maxQty = 2, -- Max amount of each item
Minigame = {
NumberOfCircles = 2,
MS = 20,
LocSteal = {
[1] = vector3(1088.79, -3096.72, -40.0), -- This is the locations to search on target and where object is gona spawn for looting
[2] = vector3(1091.31, -3096.72, -40.0), -- This is the locations to search on target and where object is gona spawn for looting
[3] = vector3(1095.22, -3096.64, -40.0), -- This is the locations to search on target and where object is gona spawn for looting
[4] = vector3(1101.31, -3096.64, -40.0), -- This is the locations to search on target and where object is gona spawn for looting
[5] = vector3(1103.89, -3096.87, -40.0), -- This is the locations to search on target and where object is gona spawn for looting
[6] = vector3(1097.75, -3096.82, -40.0), -- This is the locations to search on target and where object is gona spawn for looting
Objects = {
[1] = "prop_boxpile_03a", -- Objects. You can search and edit here: https://gtahash.ru/
[2] = "prop_boxpile_07a", -- Objects. You can search and edit here: https://gtahash.ru/
[3] = "prop_boxpile_06b", -- Objects. You can search and edit here: https://gtahash.ru/
[4] = "prop_boxpile_02d", -- Objects. You can search and edit here: https://gtahash.ru/
[5] = "prop_boxpile_02b", -- Objects. You can search and edit here: https://gtahash.ru/
[6] = "p_secret_weapon_02", -- Objects. You can search and edit here: https://gtahash.ru/
[7] = "prop_box_wood05a", -- Objects. You can search and edit here: https://gtahash.ru/
Drop = { -- Drop items when you search a object
[1] = "iphone",
[2] = "advancedlockpick",
[3] = "repairkit",
[4] = "tablet",
[5] = "lockpick",
[6] = "water_bottle",
[7] = "weapon_pistol",
Config.Locations = { -- Locations people can search and find some items
{coords = vector3(-448.86, -1711.92, 18.76), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-476.48, -1703.91, 18.86), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-481.23, -1710.56, 18.7), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-448.56, -1686.01, 19.02), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-445.27, -1676.06, 19.49), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-439.9, -1667.04, 19.03), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-478.14, -1656.08, 18.69), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-487.34, -1672.76, 19.53), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-495.45, -1684.34, 19.32), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-489.9, -1691.99, 19.26), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-501.55, -1704.43, 19.32), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-511.3, -1696.16, 19.35), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-519.5, -1685.22, 19.66), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-517.1, -1678.93, 19.32), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-548.54, -1675.57, 19.54), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-544.44, -1662.01, 19.54), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-546.39, -1653.49, 19.31), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-556.32, -1642.25, 19.1), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-528.9, -1620.22, 17.8), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-506.35, -1638.33, 17.8), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-501.56, -1633.16, 17.8), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-497.05, -1642.86, 17.8), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-564.45, -1635.61, 19.26), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-587.26, -1656.29, 19.39), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-584.17, -1671.25, 19.32), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-576.52, -1682.79, 19.21), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-577.55, -1684.97, 19.21), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-585.21, -1703.17, 18.91), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-571.77, -1706.56, 18.98), looted = false},
{coords = vector3(-571.1, -1698.91, 19.28), looted = false},
Last updated