
return {
    -- The framework are you using [ "qbcore" or "esx" ]
    framework = "qbcore",

    -- The name of the core resource [ "qb-core" or "es_extended" ]
    core = "qb-core",

    -- The key to open the scoreboard
    openKey = 'F10',

    -- Command to open the scoreboard
    openCommand = 'scoreboard',

    -- Command info
    commandInfo = 'Open the scoreboard',

    -- Show the list for government and/or civilian jobs
    showJobCounts = true,

    -- Show the list for available robberies / heists
    showHeistStatus = true,

    -- The list of job names to count as copsRequired
    copJobNames = {'police', 'sasd', 'sahp'},

    -- Show the total players on the server
    showTotalPlayers = true,

    -- Show the current uptime of the server
    showServerUptime = true,

    -- Show players steam avatars in the scoreboard
    -- NOTE: Must have (set steam_webApiKey "API_KEY_HERE") without the parentheses in your server.cfg
    showUserAvatars = true,

    -- @type: string - The type of player name to display [ "rp", "steam" or "hidden" ]
    --      rp = Roleplay Name
    --      steam = Steam Name
    --      hidden = Hide the name (Player 1, Player 2 etc)
    -- @adminsSeeRealNames: boolean - Show the real name of players to admins
    -- @adminName: string - The lowest rank to be considered an admin
    -- NOTE: nameSettings.type == 'hidden' - will also disable showUserAvatars
    nameSettings = {
        type = 'hidden',
        adminsSeeRealNames = true,
        adminName = 'god'

    -- Show players ping in the scoreboard
    showUserPing = true,

    -- Shows the information button in top right
    showInfoButton = true,

    -- The information for the server
    -- @primaryColor: string - The primary color of the server, MUST be a hex color - https://g.co/kgs/UKLiuRB
    -- @serverName: string - The name of the server
    -- @logo: string - The URL to the logo of the server
    -- @showBackground: boolean - Show the background color and blur on the scoreboard
    serverInfo = {
        primaryColor = '#4498FF',
        serverName = 'm-Scripts',
        logo = 'https://i.ibb.co/JnKZp8n/logomaior.png',
        showBackground = true

    -- The information for the button in the top right
    -- NOTE: If no label or icon is provided, the button will be disabled
    -- @label: string - (OPTIONAL) The label to display
    -- @icon: string - (OPTIONAL) The icon to display - https://fontawesome.com/search
    -- @color: string - The color of the icon, MUST be a hex color - https://g.co/kgs/UKLiuRB
    -- @url: string - (OPTIONAL) The URL to open when the button is clicked
    -- @tooltip: string - (OPTIONAL) The tooltip to display when hovering over the button
    buttonInfo = {
        label = 'Discord',
        icon = 'fab fa-discord',
        color = '#7289da',
        url = 'https://discord.gg/marcinhu',
        tooltip = 'Join our Discord!',

    -- The list of jobs to display in the job counts section
    -- NOTE: "showJobCounts" must be set to true for this to work
    -- @job: string - The job name
    -- @label: string - The label to display
    -- @color: string - The color of the label, MUST be a hex color - https://g.co/kgs/UKLiuRB
    -- @icon: string - (OPTIONAL) The icon to display - https://fontawesome.com/search
    jobCounts = {
            job = 'police',
            label = 'LSPD',
            color = '#4A80FF',
            icon = 'fas fa-shield-alt'
            job = 'ems',
            label = 'EMS',
            color = '#FF4141',
            icon = 'fas fa-ambulance'
            job = 'fire',
            label = 'Fire',
            color = '#FF8447',
            icon = 'fas fa-fire'
            job = 'taxi',
            label = 'Taxi',
            color = '#FFE95D',
            icon = 'fas fa-taxi'

    -- The list of heists to display in the heist status section
    -- NOTE: "showHeistStatus" must be set to true for this to work
    -- @name: string - The name of the heist
    -- @copsRequired: int - The amount of cops required to start the heist
    -- @icon: string - (OPTIONAL) The icon to display - https://fontawesome.com/search
    heistStatus = {
            name = '24/7',
            copsRequired = 1,
            icon = 'fas fa-store'
            name = 'Fleeca Bank',
            copsRequired = 2,
            icon = 'fas fa-piggy-bank'
            name = 'Pacific Standard',
            copsRequired = 4,
            icon = 'fas fa-building-columns'
            name = 'Humane Labs',
            copsRequired = 5,
            icon = 'fas fa-flask'
            name = 'Maze Bank',
            copsRequired = 6,
            icon = 'fas fa-city'
            name = 'Yacht Heist',
            copsRequired = 6,
            icon = 'fas fa-ship'

Last updated