
return {
    -- The framework the server is using (qb or esx)
    framework = 'esx',

    -- The name of the core resource ('qb-core' or 'es_extended' etc.)
    core = 'es_extended',

    -- Show a blur effect on the background when pausemenu is open
    showBlurBG = true,

    -- Show a color on the background when pausemenu is open
    showColorBG = true,

    -- The action of the leave button ('disconnect', 'logout' or 'both')
    leaveButton = 'both',

    -- The time the player must wait after clicking logout to prevent instantly disappearing.
    -- NOTE: 'leaveButton' must be set to 'logout' or 'both' for this to work
    logoutWaitTime = 15, -- seconds

    -- The default key to open the pausemenu
    openKey = 'ESCAPE',

    -- The server information displayed on the pausemenu
    -- @primaryColor: string - The primary color of the server (MUST be a hex color) - https://g.co/kgs/UKLiuRB
    -- @serverName: string - The name of the server
    -- @logo: string - The URL to the logo of the server (MUST be a direct link)
    -- @links: table - The links displayed on the pausemenu
    serverInfo = {
        primaryColor = '#4A80FF',
        serverName = 'm-Scripts',
        logo = 'https://i.ibb.co/JnKZp8n/logomaior.png',
        links = {
            announcements = 'https://marcinhu.tebex.io/',
            rules = 'https://marcinhu.tebex.io/',
            changelogs = 'https://marcinhu.tebex.io/',

    -- Custom buttons displayed on the pausemenu (MAX: 4)
    -- NOTE: If no label or icon is provided, the button will not be displayed
    -- @label: string - (OPTIONAL) The label displayed on the button
    -- @icon: string - (OPTIONAL) The icon displayed on the button (MUST be Fontawesome) - https://fontawesome.com/search
    -- @link: string - The link the button will redirect to when clicked
    -- @color: string - The color of the button (MUST be a hex color) - https://g.co/kgs/UKLiuRB
    -- @tooltip: string - (OPTIONAL) The tooltip displayed when hovering over the button
    infoButtons = {
            label = 'Store',
            icon = 'fas fa-shopping-cart',
            link = 'https://marcinhu.tebex.io/',
            color = '#4A80FF',
            tooltip = 'Visit our store!',
            label = 'Discord',
            icon = 'fab fa-discord',
            link = 'https://discord.gg/4X5q2jB',
            color = '#7289DA',
            tooltip = 'Join our Discord!',
            label = 'Website',
            icon = 'fas fa-globe',
            link = 'https://marcinhu.tebex.io/',
            color = '#FFFFFF',
            tooltip = 'Visit our website!',
            label = 'YouTube',
            icon = 'fab fa-youtube',
            link = 'https://www.youtube.com/@marcinhu',
            color = '#FF0000',
            tooltip = 'Watch our videos!',

    translations = {
        confirm = 'Confirm',
        cancel = 'Cancel',

        disconnect = 'Disconnect',
        disconnectConfirm = 'Are you sure you want to disconnect?',
        disconnectReason = 'You have been disconnected from the server.',

        logout = 'Logout',
        logoutConfirm = 'Are you sure you want to logout?',
        logoutWait = 'Please wait %s seconds.',

        characterLabel = 'Character',
        characterSubtitle = 'Your character information',
        name = 'Name',
        gender = 'Gender',
        birthdate = 'Birthdate',
        nationality = 'Nationality',
        cash = 'Cash',
        job = 'Job',
        grade = 'Grade',

        mapLabel = 'Map',
        mapSubtitle = 'Explore the world',

        settingsLabel = 'Settings',
        settingsSubtitle = 'Configure your experience',

        tab1Label = 'Announcements',
        tab1Subtitle = 'Stay up to date',

        tab2Label = 'Rules',
        tab2Subtitle = 'Read our rules',

        tab3Label = 'Changelogs',
        tab3Subtitle = 'See whats new',

Last updated