
Config = {}

Config.Framework = "NEW" -- "NEW" - New qbcore | "OLD" - Old qbcore
Config.CoreName = 'qb-core'
Config.Target = 'qb-target'
Config.Phone = "qb-phone" -- Available : qb-phone / gksphone / qs-smartphone / roadphone            
Config.CooldownToEnterAgain = 900000 -- Time they have to wait to do the house again.
Config.EnablePedEffects = true -- Enable ped effects

Config.Locations = {
	[1] = {
        ["coords"] = vector4(1539.09, 1705.01, 109.67, 216.17), -- Location
        ["Procurado"] = false, -- Don't toutch
    [2] = {
        ["coords"] = vector4(1526.65, 1682.72, 113.38, 216.17), -- Location
        ["Procurado"] = false, -- Don't toutch
    [3] = {
        ["coords"] = vector4(1531.9, 1683.62, 113.55, 216.17), -- Location
        ["Procurado"] = false, -- Don't toutch
    [4] = {
        ["coords"] = vector4(1528.97, 1690.0, 113.38, 216.17), -- Location
        ["Procurado"] = false, -- Don't toutch
    [5] = {
        ["coords"] = vector4(1533.36, 1685.89, 113.36, 216.17), -- Location
        ["Procurado"] = false, -- Don't toutch
    [6] = {
        ["coords"] = vector4(1528.02, 1686.48, 110.7, 216.17), -- Location
        ["Procurado"] = false, -- Don't toutch

Config["Rewards"] = {
	["BasicLoot"] = {
		Amount = math.random(1,2), -- Amount
		Rewards = {
			-- You can put more items
	["NormalLoot"] = {
		Amount = math.random(1,2), -- Amount
		Rewards = {
			-- You can put more items
	["BigLoot"] = {
		Amount = math.random(1,2), -- Amount
		Rewards = {
			-- You can put more items

Config.Texts = { -- Texts in notepad
	[1] = "I believe in laughter and tears as antidotes to hatred and terror.",
    [2] = "They were weak. That's why they died. And we were weak too.<br>That's why we couldn't save them.",
    [3] = "The darkness of a gloomy night does not always hide the terror of your days. He can be by your side on sunny and happy days, because what will define this company is you with your own tune.",
    [4] = "\"That's how children deal with terror. They fall asleep.\"",
    [5] = "In the end, we go back to the place where it all started... Because that's all we have.",

Config["Language"] = {
	["Notification"] = {
		["NotFind"] = "You didn't find anything.",
		["FeelingWeird"] = "You're feeling weird...",
		["FindSomething"] = "Looks like I found something...",
		["HorrorHouse"] = "A haunted house... Watch out for the spirits!",
	["ProgressBars"] = {
		["ProcurarLoot"] = "Searching...",
	["Email"] = {
		["Mailsender"] = "Horror House",
		["Mailsubject"] = "Welcome!",
		["Mailmessage"] = "Welcome to the haunted house. I hope you brought a flashlight and a lot of courage! Brace yourself, we heard there are still spirits inside.",
	["QBTarget"] = {
		["Search"] = "Search",
		["IconSearch"] = "fas fa-search",
		["Question"] = "What is this?",
		["IconQuestion"] = "fas fa-male",
		["Talk"] = "Talk",
		["IconTalk"] = "fas fa-male",

-- Peds
Config.TargetPed_4 = vector3(1532.71, 1686.46, 110.7)
Config.TargetPed = vector3(1508.8, 1680.38, 110.52)
Config.PedHorrorHouse = {                                              -- Peds that will be spawned in
        model = "s_m_y_clown_01",                                                         
        coords = vector3(1508.8, 1680.38, 110.52),           -- Ped 1
        heading = 97.13,
        gender = "male",
        scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_DRUG_DEALER" 
        model = "s_m_y_clown_01",                                                         
        coords = vector3(1526.88, 1682.91, 109.71),          -- Ped 2 
        heading = 265.13,
        gender = "male",
        scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_DRUG_DEALER" 
        model = "ig_orleans",                                                         
        coords = vector3(1526.9, 1685.95, 110.71),          -- Ped 3 
        heading = 311.13,
        gender = "male",
        scenario = "WORLD_BOAR_GRAZING" 
        model = "u_m_m_prolsec_01",                                                         
        coords = vector3(1533.24, 1685.47, 109.87),        -- Ped 4   
        heading = 356.13,
        gender = "male",
        scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_SIT_UPS" 

Last updated