
Language = {}

Language = {
    noVehNearby = "No vehicles nearby",
    installCarPart = "[E] - Install car part<br>[G] - Delete Prop",
    itemInstalled = "You have installed the: %s !",
    cancelInstallation = "You have canceled the installation of the: %s !",
    engineOverheated = "Your engine has overheated and has been shut down",
    needRepair = "Your vehicle has reached the required mileage for repair",
    helpInstallCarLift = "Up: [PAGE UP]  <br>Down: [PAGE DOWN]  <br>Esquerda: [ARROW LEFT]  <br>Direita: [ARROW RIGHT]  <br>Rotação: [SCROL MOUSE]  <br>Colocar Objeto: [Enter]",
    newCarLift = "New car lift added successfully!",
    errorCarLift = "Error adding new car lift.",
    carLiftNotFound = "Car lifts not found",
    carLiftDeleted = "Car lift deleted successfully!",
    errorDeleteCarLift = "Error deleting car lift.",
    useCarLift = "Use Car Lift",
    attachVehicle = "Attach Vehicle",
    detachVehicle = "Detach Vehicle",
    orderArrived = "Your order has arrived!",
    orderSuccess = "You have successfully ordered: %sx %s",
    receivedPoints = "You received: %s points!",
    tradeCarParts = "You have traded your broken parts.",
    noBrokenParts = "You do not have any broken parts to trade.",
    missingItems = "You are missing the following items: %s %s",
    noVehFound = "No vehicle found!",
    orderMoreThenStock = "You can't order more than the stock",
    itemAddedPedingPurchase = "Item added to pending purchase",
    noItemsSelected = "No items selected for purchase",
    noMoneyCompany = "The company doesn't have enough money to order these parts",
    newOrderTitle = "New order",
    newOrderSubject = "New order: %s",
    newOrderBody = "You have a new order to deliver car parts to %s.<br><br>Total items: %d<br>Total time: %.2f seconds",
    collectCarParts = "Collect car parts",
    vehicleBlacklistedDismant = "You cannot dismantle this vehicle",
    dismantleVehicle = "Dismantling vehicle...",
    dismantCanceled = "You have canceled the dismantling",
    tradingCarParts = "Trading car parts...",
    tradingCanceled = "You have canceled the trading",

Last updated