
Check if a Vehicle has Insurance

  • Export: HasCarInsurance(plate, cb)

  • Description: Checks if a vehicle with the given plate has insurance.


exports['m-Insurance']:HasCarInsurance('ABC123', function(hasInsurance)
    if hasInsurance then
        print("Vehicle is insured")
        print("Vehicle is not insured")

Check if a Vehicle has Registration

  • Export: HasCarRegistration(plate, cb)

  • Description: Checks if a vehicle with the given plate has registration.

  • Usage:

    exports['m-Insurance']:HasCarRegistration('ABC123', function(hasRegistration)
        if hasRegistration then
            print("Vehicle is registered")
            print("Vehicle is not registered")

Check if a Player has Health Insurance

  • Export: HasHealthInsurance(identifier, cb)

  • Description: Checks if the player with the given citizenid has health insurance.

  • Detail: Identifier must be citizenID

  • Usage:

    exports['m-Insurance']:HasHealthInsurance('playerID123', function(hasInsurance)
        if hasInsurance then
            print("Player has health insurance")
            print("Player does not have health insurance")

Check if a Player has Home Insurance

  • Export: HaveHomeInsurance(identifier, cb)

  • Description: Checks if the player with the given citizenid has home insurance.

  • Detail: Identifier must be citizenID

  • Usage:

    exports['m-Insurance']:HaveHomeInsurance('playerID123', function(hasInsurance)
        if hasInsurance then
            print("Player has home insurance")
            print("Player does not have home insurance")

Get Insurance Data for a Player or Vehicle

  • Export: GetInsuranceData(insuranceType, identifier, cb)

  • Description: Retrieves the insurance data based on the insurance type (vehicles, health, or home).

  • Usage:

    exports['m-Insurance']:GetInsuranceData('vehicles', 'ABC123', function(data)
        if data then
            print("Insurance Data: ", data)
            print("No insurance data found")

Give Vehicle Insurance to a Player

  • Export: GiveCarInsurance(src, plate, model, expire_months, identifier, owner_name)

  • Description: Grants vehicle insurance to a player for the specified plate and model with an expiration date.

  • Usage:

    exports['m-Insurance']:GiveCarInsurance(src, 'ABC123', 'CarModel', 3, 'playerID123', 'OwnerName')

Give Vehicle Registration to a Player

  • Export: GiveCarRegistration(src, plate, model, expire_months, identifier)

  • Description: Grants vehicle registration to a player for the specified plate and model with an expiration date.

  • Usage:

    exports['m-Insurance']:GiveCarRegistration(src, 'ABC123', 'CarModel', 12, 'playerID123')

Give Health Insurance to a Player

  • Export: GiveHealthInsurance(src, identifier, expire_months, owner_name)

  • Description: Grants health insurance to a player for the specified identifier with an expiration date.

  • Usage:

    exports['m-Insurance']:GiveHealthInsurance(src, 'playerID123', 12, 'OwnerName')

Give Home Insurance to a Player

  • Export: GiveHomeInsurance(src, identifier, expire_months, owner_name)

  • Description: Grants home insurance to a player for the specified identifier with an expiration date.

  • Usage:

    exports['m-Insurance']:GiveHomeInsurance(playerID, 'playerID123', 12, 'OwnerName')

Remove Vehicle Insurance

  • Export: RemoveCarInsurance(plate)

  • Description: Removes insurance for the vehicle with the given plate.

  • Usage:


Remove Vehicle Registration

  • Export: RemoveCarRegistration(plate)

  • Description: Removes registration for the vehicle with the given plate.

  • Usage:


Remove Health Insurance

  • Export: RemoveHealthInsurance(identifier)

  • Description: Removes health insurance for the player with the given identifier.

  • Usage:


Remove Home Insurance

  • Export: RemoveHomeInsurance(identifier)

  • Description: Removes home insurance for the player with the given identifier.

  • Usage:


Last updated